Large Buildings
Custom solutions for Commercial Buildings
Our UVC technology is proven to ‘kill’ airborne pathogens, that contaminate recirculating air within commercial air handling systems.

Our proven UVC technology provides the security of safe air within buildings, reducing energy consumption while improving occupant wellbeing and performance.
How It Works
Our technology works by ‘killing’ airborne pathogens as they pass through the patented optical cavity. Units can be integrated into existing HVAC systems or established on a standalone basis.
Units are designed and built on a custom basis following a comprehensive study of the building’s internal air speeds and circulation patterns, ensuring maximum performance and energy efficiency.
We lead the world in UVC anti-pathogen efficacy, having proved our technology with the most stringent lab testing. We continue to refine and develop our solutions, ensuring we remain at the forefront of lighting science.

Higher Occupancy
Ensures higher occupancy rates as tenants seek better IAQ and safer buildings

Proven Efficacy
World-leading UVC solution inactivates all airborne pathogens in air circulation

Energy Saving
Safe air allows increased recirculation, saving energy used on heating and cooling

Custom Design
Systems are designed to suit the specific air handling parameters of the building

We offer a complete custom solution. Our modular built units are easily integrated into existing HVAC systems, treating the air before it is circulated through the building.
All air passing through the Optical Cavity will be treated with high-power UVC and airborne viruses, moulds and bacteria will be inactivated. A summary of the testing can be downloaded via the link below.
View Testing Data:

UVC Safety Testing

Live Virus Testing

Electrical Safety Testing
Proven Performance
A pilot installation on the 2nd floor of Class A London office building allowed us to conduct comparative testing of floors without PRS in the same building.
Using a combination of petri dish analysis and air quality monitoring we were able to demonstrate the following highly compelling performance against bacteria, mould, and VOCs:

- HVAC energy savings of 10-40%
- Helps ESG and Net Zero objectives
- Customised design and build
- Improves wellbeing and productivity
- Powerful, energy efficient solution
- Easily integrated into existing plant

What does the system do?
We offer a range of UVC-based solutions, all using our patented optical cavity and ‘patents pending’ safety design elements, to inactivate pathogens in moving air and create safer environments – Any Pathogen – Any Space – Any Environment.
Our system will instantly ‘kill’ any airborne pathogen that passes through the optical cavity. Our technology has fully been tested on SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, Measles, Mycobacterium Parafortuitum, Micrococcus Luteus, and Aspergillus Niger.
View our System page for more detailed information.
How do I know it works?
As a science-led company we believe that the highest quality testing should be carried out with ‘live’ pathogens, rather than surrogates, and that test conditions should be as close to real works as possible.
To this end, efficacy testing has been carried out with live pathogens: Measles, Flu A, SARS-CoV-2, Mycobacterium Parafortuitum, Micrococcus Luteus, and Aspergillus Niger, in a Bio 3 safety level Laboratory, using a modified ASHRAE 185/ISO 15714 single pass testing standard protocol. Our adaptation meant tougher testing: air speed increased from 2.5 m/s to 6m/s, creating a residence time of only a sixth of a second, and the use of live viruses instead of surrogates.
Details of testing can be found here.
Is your system safe?
We have carried out advanced electrical safety testing (to domestic standards) and UVC safety testing. Our patented optical cavity design ensures UVC is contained within the optical cavity and therefore can not damage infrastructure within existing ventilation systems or pose a risk to personnel.
Safety certification details can be found here.
How does your system integrate into my building?
We all need safe air to breath. Beyond that simple statement every space is different. The great thing about PRS is so are we.
Being a science-based company, we view problems differently. We have solutions, tested efficacy, and scalable design, and we can apply this to Any Pathogen – Any Space – Any Environment.
PRS systems can be integrated into existing plant, whether that is a centralised HVAC system, localised fan-coils, or rooms without any existing mechanical air-handling. We look at your space, existing plant, and individual needs, then build a specific solution for you.
To request a consultation please click here.
How does PRS help the environment?
The need for infection resilient environments and better indoor air quality IAQ is a given, trying to balance this with our moral and legislative duty to reduce carbon emissions can seem like opposing goals. PRS with its unique approach, and patents pending design features can help you achieve both.
Being able to recirculate air, because it has been safely treated to inactive pathogens, removes the need to heat and cool vast amounts of air within your environment, saving fuel and reducing equipment degradation, reducing your carbon footprint.
No other units on the market today produces higher levels of UVC irradiation as a ratio to energy usage than PRS, together with our bespoke design for every environment and world leading test data we are able to maximise efficacy whilst minimising power consumption, again helping your carbon footprint.
Continuous product development has led to the use of material components that last longer, for example lamps last 60,000 hrs meaning less raw material used.
What is the lifetime of a unit?
If maintained correctly units will last for at least 25 years.
What are the maintenance requirements?
Bio-annual checks should be carried out. As with all mechanical equipment, some parts will need to be periodically replaced over the life of the system. For example:
– Lamps burn for 60,000 hours.
– Ballasts typically last 5 years.
Individual maintenance contracts are designed for each client’s needs.

What does the system do?
We offer a range of UVC-based solutions, all using our patented optical cavity and ‘patents pending’ safety design elements, to inactivate pathogens in moving air and create safer environments – Any Pathogen – Any Space – Any Environment.
Our system will instantly ‘kill’ any airborne pathogen that passes through the optical cavity. Our technology has fully been tested on SARS-CoV-2, Influenza A, Measles, Mycobacterium Parafortuitum, Micrococcus Luteus, and Aspergillus Niger.
View our System page for more detailed information.
How do I know it works?
As a science-led company we believe that the highest quality testing should be carried out with ‘live’ pathogens, rather than surrogates, and that test conditions should be as close to real works as possible.
To this end, efficacy testing has been carried out with live pathogens: Measles, Flu A, SARS-CoV-2, Mycobacterium Parafortuitum, Micrococcus Luteus, and Aspergillus Niger, in a Bio 3 safety level Laboratory, using a modified ASHRAE 185/ISO 15714 single pass testing standard protocol. Our adaptation meant tougher testing: air speed increased from 2.5 m/s to 6m/s, creating a residence time of only a sixth of a second, and the use of live viruses instead of surrogates.
Details of testing can be found here.
Is your system safe?
We have carried out advanced electrical safety testing (to domestic standards) and UVC safety testing. Our patented optical cavity design ensures UVC is contained within the optical cavity and therefore can not damage infrastructure within existing ventilation systems or pose a risk to personnel.
Safety certification details can be found here.
How does your system integrate into my building?
We all need safe air to breath. Beyond that simple statement every space is different. The great thing about PRS is so are we.
Being a science-based company, we view problems differently. We have solutions, tested efficacy, and scalable design, and we can apply this to Any Pathogen – Any Space – Any Environment.
PRS systems can be integrated into existing plant, whether that is a centralised HVAC system, localised fan-coils, or rooms without any existing mechanical air-handling. We look at your space, existing plant, and individual needs, then build a specific solution for you.
To request a consultation please click here.
How does PRS help the environment?
The need for infection resilient environments and better indoor air quality IAQ is a given, trying to balance this with our moral and legislative duty to reduce carbon emissions can seem like opposing goals. PRS with its unique approach, and patents pending design features can help you achieve both.
Being able to recirculate air, because it has been safely treated to inactive pathogens, removes the need to heat and cool vast amounts of air within your environment, saving fuel and reducing equipment degradation, reducing your carbon footprint.
No other units on the market today produces higher levels of UVC irradiation as a ratio to energy usage than PRS, together with our bespoke design for every environment and world leading test data we are able to maximise efficacy whilst minimising power consumption, again helping your carbon footprint.
Continuous product development has led to the use of material components that last longer, for example lamps last 60,000 hrs meaning less raw material used.
What is the lifetime of a unit?
If maintained correctly units will last for at least 25 years.
What are the maintenance requirements?
Bio-annual checks should be carried out. As with all mechanical equipment, some parts will need to be periodically replaced over the life of the system. For example:
– Lamps burn for 60,000 hours.
– Ballasts typically last 5 years.
Individual maintenance contracts are designed for each client’s needs.
People, Planet, and Performance