Key Industries

Refined solutions for any indoor environment

Flexible Solution

We all need safe air to breath, beyond that simple statement every space is different, the great thing about PRS is so are we.

Being a science-based company we view problems differently, we have solutions, tested efficacy and scalable design, we can apply this to any indoor space with mechanical air handling.

PRS systems can be integrated into existing plant whether that is a centralise HVAC system,  localised fan-coils or rooms without any existing mechanical air-handling, we look at your space, existing plant and individual needs and design for you from there.

So, whether you are a large office building with centralised Air Handing systems re-circulation your air for your employees looking to make your building infection resilient, a medical cannabis installation, not recirculating your air to keep your CO2 levels high and need to ensure Aspergillus Niger (black mould) levels are non-existent and crops are safe PRS can help you meet your goals.

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People, Planet, and Performance




